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-WP- last won the day on July 1 2017

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  1. Hi all, I'm newbie here so please bare with me. I recently retrofitted a 2nd-hand Climatronic panel to my 2008 VW Passat 3C. Reason for this retrofit was to have the Auxiliary heater activation button inside the car as I also replaced the non-working TT-V heater with 2nd-hand TT-Vevo unit Mainly all works as it should but there is a few Faults in the system. First, when with the old Climatronic Panel the settings to temp/vents/etc. were left unchanged after restarting the car, now all settings are preset when I turn off ignition. New Aux.heater is also a Parking heater as the old one was not. Now I have the Aux.heater activation in MFD but there is also a problem it does not activate the Climatronic. Here is attached the latest System Scan I performed. I'd be most delighted if someone could help me out here. 21112014.pdf
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