Best CarPort people,
I'm trying to get CarPort to talk to my VW Polo Vivo (a South African polo 9N).
According to the StartTab, Carport finds the interface ( ELM 327 v1.5) and happily talks with it. The top-row boxes are all ticked in green, but on the second (Volkswagen) line, I have two red crosses...
I decided to take a look with USBPCap (USB add-on for wireshark), and I think I know where it goes wrong:
CarPort goes through a fairly long protocol programming sequence (eg atpbc0 01, atpp19svff, atpp19on, etc.) to which the ELM keeps on replying OK.
CarPort then writes 'stdi' to which the ELM just replies: '?'. I would assume this 'stdi' should be written to the CAN but ELM just decided it is meant for it and doesn't understand it? (I must confess I have no experience with these car 'modem' protocols ;) )
Anyway, after that, CarPort writes atppi to which ELM dumps a very long summary. After that CarPort just switches off the protocol (atpc) and doesn't try again; just start writing 'ati' every second or so...
So I reckon the problem is that ELM handles the 'stdi' incorrectly? Is there any workaround for this?
I can also send you the wireshark file if it would help.
Kind regards,