Hello and how is everyone. So I am having a problem... Whaaaaat. Yeah so I have a 2001 Audi B5 S4 and I was original able to connect and everything was good and happy. But a week later after I ordered a new ECU, and swapped them I could not connect to the ECU. I swapped back to the original and.... nope. All I get is a yellow icon and it says that the adapter is not ready. Now my car is a project car and I am trying to read codes to find out what the heck is wrong and it does not start. OK so here is the kicker when I try to turn the car over. The program reads the adapter and the icon goes green but if i want to get readings I will lose my starter. So after a few seconds and stopping trying to turn it over the Icon goes Yellow and back to square one.
I have tried disconnecting the ABS, changed the fuse in the back of the Radio. I am stuck please HELP!!!