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Everything posted by SkodaDriver

  1. Just to follow up, if you need a beta tester for this please let me know.
  2. I used CarPort Pro CAN to do a scan for faults on my Skoda Citigoe IV and found that CarPort (just like VCDS) does not correctly decode the dates of the faults. The Skoda Citigoe IV does not have a calendar in it's control units, therefore in the "standard ambient conditions" PID it simply keeps count of the days since it's first initialization (usually right after the production of the car). The day (5 bits) and year (7 bits) are simply used together as an incremental daily counter, while the month bits are always set to 14 (bin 1110) as a flag to indicate this format. So basically to get the date of the fault code you have to read the day counter value in the "standard ambient conditions" PID and then read the day counter in the fault code and subtract it from the first value. The resulting value then needs to be counted backwards from the current date. It might sound complicated but once worked out it's straightforward. See also this forum discussion where it was figured out: https://www.goingelectric.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1644829#p1644829 https://www.goingelectric.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1715630#p1715630 It would be great if you could fix this in your otherwise excellent software so that I can see the correct dates of the faults.
  3. Is the Scantool OBDLink SX USB OBD Adapter ( https://www.scantool.net/obdlink-sx/ ) supported by Carport? It doesn't seem to get detected, even if I select the COM Port manually.
  4. Well, this is not an old computer, it's an entry level computer from 2018 and it has a SSD. I don't think everybody uses a high-end PC for car diagnostics as there is normally no need for it, the OBD data transfer speed can be handled by any old computer. Anyway it was just a suggestion to make the installation process more friendly, I don't mind to wait 40 minutes for the installation but the progressbar should not stall, that's confusing for the user.
  5. Ok, I tried again and after about 40 minutes the installation completed successfully. Maybe there should be some warning that the last part could take very long.
  6. I waited about 10-15 minutes, but this is an entry-level Intel Atom x5-Z8300 based laptop with 4GB RAM, so maybe I should try waiting longer? I will try again.
  7. This is what the task manager show when the installation stalls:
  8. I just tried to install the current free Carport version on a Windows 10 Home 64bit laptop but the installation always stalls at about 90% of the installation process. Tried a few times, with and without the optional drivers and tried also English and German the result is always the same. The laptop has enough free disk space (15 GB on the C drive where i try to install Carport). Does it need an Internet connection during installation or what else could be stalling the installation? My laptop is not connected to any network. This screenshot shows the point where the installation stalls:
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