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Everything posted by shahzaib

  1. Looks like this feature has been added to the beta version and an extra to import lbl files from VCDS. Does this mean that we will get data from the encrypted files (.clb) too?
  2. Why are we not allowed to use carport in a vm? I realise the performance implcations but shouldn't that be up the user?
  3. Thank you Alexander. That works perfect.
  4. Hi Administrator, How do I obtain this update at one third of the price as mentioned in your post? In June 2012 I purchased a one year license for Basic KKL and Basic CAN, as expected this expired so in July 2013 to get updates I purchased another license but for Basic CAN only this time. If I had known about the update license I would have purchased this and more protocols if possible. I like the software and the features you are working on but would like some assistance with your purchasing process. I purchased the license with the email address as registered on this forum. Thanks
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