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Juki67 last won the day on August 18 2019

Juki67 had the most liked content!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Now I downloaded this Beta2. Still installer will not start in my Windows Vista. Has anyone else experienced such a problem?
  2. I've downloaded several times CarPort 2.3.0 beta1 version of the software, but I'm not able to get it functioning. I'm using Windows Vista. CarPort 2.2.10 works ok in this same laptop. Has anyone else had such problems?
  3. Hi, Why does Pro version not show information in Description column of bit when coding something? Like VCDS coding helper/Long code helper. Lack of this this feature makes coding very difficult. I hope this will be fixed/added soon. Will it? Jukka
  4. Hi, I tried couple of times to do throttle body adaption to my 2008 Tiguan by following VCDS instructions. I cannot find such a options in Carport program. I have Pro version. Are command named differently, or what. Can someone give me step by step Carport specific instructions how to do it.
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