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  1. for your car you need the kkl module. If you download the beta version you can activate it with the activation code that you received when you bought the kkl module.
  2. did u install the beta version?
  3. Hi, I have found this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3xbkRKZ-24 In order to do that with carport you need to buy the kkl version. But I have replaced EGR valves before without doing any adaptation.
  4. Hi, can you connect to your ECU using carport already? I have read that you need to do a login with 12233 first before you can change that adaptation channel. But login and adaptation are only available if you buy the kkl version. Besides that have heard from some users that they were not successful disabling EGR via diagnostics.
  5. There are special software for changing the milage of non-new instrument clusters. I dont think a feature like this will be added to carport soon, because its not really diagnostic related.
  6. Generally it is possible. However most of the time you will need the 4 pin (nowadays also called 7pin) login. You can get this login from you VW dealer.
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